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Five types of pain that can help your chiropractor

Five types of pain that can help your chiropractor

Just a soft crack in a twisted pose and the pain is gone: there are legends like this and similar (often true, by the way) about chiropractors. We know they are not dangerous, that they will help, but we are still a little afraid of them, unnecessarily. Here, we've collected 5 types of pain that make it worth going to a chiropractor immediately.

But what does the chiropractor do?

Before we go to a specialist, we want to know what they can do for us, how they can help us. Chiropractic is about restoring balance. It's a natural method, because most of the time it involves nothing more than your hands, and the treatment itself is not painful. But when should we go to them? We'll tell you!

If your back hurts

A survey shows that most people go to a chiropractor with back pain. Of course, first we try over-the-counter medications and ointments, which work for a while, but they don't eliminate the cause of the pain, only the pain itself. After the pain does not change, our plan B is to somehow go easy on ourselves and sit, stand, move in a way that puts as little strain as possible on the painful area or part. 

Back pain, for example, is most often caused by a herniated disc, scoliosis, some kind of sprain or strain, arthritis or (very often) sitting in the wrong position. They will not go away if you treat them symptomatically. The chiropractor will assess the problem and provide - maybe 1, maybe a few - treatments to solve these problems. 

If your neck hurts

The second most common pain. Neck pain can be caused by many things: a herniated disc, a pinched nerve, bad posture, most often caused by looking down at your digital devices. Chiropractic adjustments can help to "free up" the nerves, reduce inflammation, promote healing and reduce neck pain without the use of painkillers. And once the pain is gone, it's much easier to improve posture.

If you get a migraine

Regular stress can negatively affect sleep, make it difficult to concentrate and even cause migraines. Regular chiropractic care can improve sleep, reduce stress levels and even the frequency of tension headaches and migraines.

Against fatigue

Let's face it, if something hurts us regularly, we can't concentrate, it distracts us from our daily lives, it takes our focus away. Because a part of our body is concentrating on reducing and compensating for the pain, we get tired. And fatigue can cause further problems. Of course, chiropractic is not a refreshing massage, but if you are constantly tired it is worth coming in for a treatment.

For pain from any injury

Our bodies are very complex, everything affects everything. If you twist your ankle, you immediately start putting a different load on it, which can already cause back problems, which can cause further problems. And it all started with a tiny injury like "your ankle went out". So you don't necessarily have to have a major accident to have something that "hurts" to make it worth your while to see a chiropractor.

I help you to forget the pain. Make an appointment now!


Péter Tamás Zborai

Péter Tamás Zborai

My name is Tamás Zborai, I am a chiropractor and manual therapist. I can help you with exactly what you are here for! I will take away your pain and even after just one treatment, I will give you back the pleasure of pain-free life and movement.
Péter Tamás Zborai

Péter Tamás Zborai

My name is Tamás Zborai, I am a chiropractor and manual therapist. I can help you with exactly what you are here for! I will take away your pain and even after just one treatment, I will give you back the pleasure of pain-free life and movement.

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